Rabu, 10 September 2008

Four Year Strong - Rise Or Die Trying (2007)

I thought I was in for one of those pop-punk screamo bands or called Happycore. Well, pretty close, as it’s pretty much pop punk with a scant few screamo style screams, gruff hardcore shouts and gang vocals. For some reason the band also has an extra member to play synths, but those are used at a bare minimum.
This was one of those lighter albums I really wanted to like. Four Year Strong have done everything properly on “Rise Or Die Trying”, and the effect is an album that’s purely safe. If they were able to put some bizarre signature into what they’re playing, that would give myself and a lot of other people a reason to pick up an album, but as it stands, they just get lost in the shuffle of all their other brethren.


1 komentar:

Mang Udung mengatakan...

thunderbird tidak ada, adanya epiphone explorer.... macam flying V gitu....